Pension Protection Fund

The Pension Protection Fund (PPF) is consulting on its draft levy determination for the 2022/23 levy. The PPF currently has a strong funding position. It therefore intends to set the 2022/23 levy estimate at £415 million, £105 million less than in 2021/22. Around 82% of schemes that pay the risk-based levy will see a levy reduction. The consultation closes on 9 November.
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Employers and trustees who use a guarantee or charge to reduce their pension scheme’s Pension Protection Fund (PPF) levy may need to re-execute that guarantee/charge in order for it to be taken into account in calculating the scheme’s 2019/20 PPF levy.

The PPF provides protection for members of DB pension schemes whose sponsoring employer becomes insolvent. It is funded in part by an annual levy payable by DB pension schemes.Continue Reading Pension Protection Fund levy – re-execution of contingent assets required