Pension Schemes Act 2021

The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has published a revised version of its code of practice on contribution notices. TPR has updated the code to cover the two new grounds for issuing a contribution notice – the employer insolvency and employer resources tests. The updated code came into force on 25 November.
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The Pension Schemes Act 2021 introduces a framework for a new type of pension scheme – collective money purchase schemes. Also known as collective defined contribution or CDC schemes, this type of pension scheme offers a middle path between traditional defined benefit (DB) and defined contribution (DC) schemes.

Employer and member contributions are fixed, as in a DC scheme. However, investment and longevity risks are borne collectively by the members, rather than being borne exclusively by the employer (as in a DB scheme) or exclusively by the individual member (as in a DC scheme). Members are promised a target retirement income, but this can be adjusted up or down to reflect the scheme’s investment performance and other risks as longevity experience.

The government is currently consulting on draft regulations setting out further detail of the legal framework for CDC schemes. The consultation closes on 31 August.Continue Reading A third way – collective money purchase pension schemes